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You can find copies of my published work at: 

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Google Scholar

Swinburne University profile


Farmer, J., McCosker, A., Albury, K., Aryani, A. (2023) Data for Social Good: Non-Profit Data Projects, Springer (Open Access).

Burgess, J., Albury, K., McCosker, A. & WIlken, R. (2022) Everyday Data Cultures, Polity Press.

McCosker, A. & Wilken, R. (2020) Automating Vision: The Social Impact of the New Camera Consciousness, Routledge.

McCosker, A., Vivienne, S., Johns, A. (2016) Negotiating Digital Citizenship: Contest, Control and CultureRowman & Littlefield International

McCosker, A. (2013) Intensive Media: Aversive Affect & Visual Culture. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Journal articles, book chapters & reports by research theme

Data, AI & Society

Kamstra, P., Farmer, J., McCosker, A., Gardiner, F., Dalton, H., Perkins, D., ... & Bagheri, N. (2022). A Novel Mixed Methods Approach for Integrating Not-for-Profit Service Data via Qualitative Geographic Information System to Explore Authentic Experiences of Ill-Health: A Case Study of Rural Mental HealthJournal of Mixed Methods Research, 15586898221135291.

Kang, Y. B., McCosker, A., Kamstra, P., & Farmer, J. (2022). Resilience in Web-Based Mental Health Communities: Building a Resilience Dictionary With Semiautomatic Text AnalysisJMIR formative research, 6(9), e39013.

McCosker, A., Shaw, F., Calyx, C., Kang, Y. B., & Albury, K. (2022). Mapping community resources for disaster preparedness: humanitarian data capability and automated futures. Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision Making + Society.

McCosker, A. (2022). Making sense of deepfakes: Socializing AI and building data literacy on GitHub and YouTube. New Media & Society,

McCosker, A., Yao, X., Albury, K., Maddox, A., Farmer, J., & Stoyanovich, J. (2022). Developing data capability with non-profit organisations using participatory methods. Big Data & Society, 9(1),

Burgess, J., Albury, K., McCosker, A., & Wilken, R. (2022). Everyday Data Cultures. John Wiley & Sons.

Yao, X., McCosker, A., Albury, K., Maddox, A., & Farmer, J. (2021). Building data capacity in the not-for-profit sector: interim report. Swinburne University of Technology.

Albury, K., Aryani, A., Farmer, J., Kelly, J., McCosker, A., Silva, S., Tucker, J. & Woo, J. (2021). Data for Good Collaboration. Swinburne University of Technology. 

McCosker, A., Kamstra, P., De Cotta, T., Farmer, J., Shaw, F., Teh, Z., & Soltani Panah, A. (2020). Social media for social good? A thematic, spatial and visual analysis of humanitarian action on Instagram. Information, Communication & Society, 1-21.

McCosker, A., Farmer, J., De Cotta, T., Kamstra, P., Jovanovski, N., Soltani Panah, A., Teh, Z., Wilson, S. (2018) Mapping Humanitarian Action on Instagram, Swinburne Social Innovation Research Institute and Australian Red Cross, Melbourne.

McCosker, A. and Graham, T. (2018) ‘Data publics: Urban protest, analytics and the courts’, M/C Journal, 21(3)

McCosker, A. (2017). ‘Data literacies for the postdemographic social media self’. First Monday, 22(10)

Garrett, B. L., & McCosker, A. (2017). Non-human Sensing: New Methodologies for the Drone Assemblage. In Refiguring Techniques in Digital Visual Research (pp. 13-23). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

McCosker, A. and Wilken, R. (2017) ‘“Things that should be short”: Perec, Sei Shōnagon, Twitter, and the uses of banality', in R. Wilken and J. Clemens, The Afterlives of Georges Perec, Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press.

McCosker, A. (2015) ‘Drone media: Unruly systems, radical empiricism and camera consciousness’. Culture Machine. 16, (2015)

McCosker, A. (2015) ‘Drone vision, zones of protest, and the new camera consciousness’. Media Fields Journal. 9.


McCosker, A., and Wilken, R. (2014) ‘Rethinking “Big Data” as visual knowledge: The sublime and the diagrammatic in data visualisation’. Visual Studies. 29(2), pp. 155-164.

McCosker, A. and Milne, E. (2014) ‘Coding labour’. Cultural Studies Review. 20(1), pp. 4-29.

McCosker, A. (2013) ‘De-framing disaster: Affective encounters with raw and autonomous media’. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 27(3), pp. 382-396

Wilken, R. and McCosker, A. (2012) ‘The everyday work of lists’. M/C Journal. 15(5)

Digital Citizenship (Literacies, Social Inclusion & Participation in the Digital Age)

Thomas J, McCosker A, Parkinson S, Hegarty K, Featherstone D, Kennedy J, Holcombe-James I, Ormond-Parker L, & Ganley L (2023) Measuring Australia’s Digital Divide: Australian Digital Inclusion Index: 2023. Melbourne: ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society, RMIT University, Swinburne University of Technology, and Telstra.

Suchowerska, R., & McCosker, A. (2022). Governance networks that strengthen older adults' digital inclusion: The challenges of metagovernanceGovernment Information Quarterly, 39(1), 101649.

McCosker, A., Critchley, C., Walshe, J., Tucker, J., & Suchowerska, R. (2021). Accounting for diversity in older adults’ digital inclusion and literacy: the impact of a national intervention. Ageing & Society, 1-21. - pdf

Suchowerska, R., & McCosker, A. (2021). Governance networks that strengthen older adults' digital inclusion: The challenges of metagovernanceGovernment Information Quarterly, 101649.

Bossio, D., McCosker, A., Schleser, M., Davis, H., & Randjelovic, I. (2021). Not that old person: Older people’s responses to ageism revealed through digital storytellingJournal of Sociology,

McCosker, A., Tucker, J., Critchley, C., Hiruy, K., Walshe, J., Suchowerska, R., & Barraket, J. (2020). Improving the digital inclusion of older Australians: the social impact of Be Connected. DSS and Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. DSS, APO

McCosker, A., Suchowerska, R., Wilson, C. (2019) Digital Mentors: The Heart of the Digital Revolution, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. APO

Bossio, D., Exon, J., Schleser, M., McCosker, A., & Davis, H. (2019) The OPERA Project: Community co-design of digital interventions for primary prevention of ageism and elder abuse. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. APO

McCosker, A., Teh, Z., Savic, M., Jayaraman, P. (2020) Co-Designing a Peer Support Platform for People with Low Vision & Blindness, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. APO

Davis, H., McCosker, A., Bossio, D., & Schleser, M. (2018). 60+ Online: Enhancing digital inclusion of seniors via mobile digital stories and social media participation. The Journal of Community Informatics, 14(1).

McCosker, A., Bossio, D., Holcombe-James, I., Davis, H., Schleser, M., & Gleeson, J. (2018) 60+ online: engaging seniors through social media and digital stories. Telstra and Swinburne Social Innovation Research Institute, Melbourne.


Savic, M., McCosker, A., and Geldens, P. (2016) ‘Cooperative mentorship: Negotiating social media use within the family’. M/C Journal. 19(2) 

McCosker, A. (2016) ‘Managing cyberbullying: The three layers of control in digital citizenship’, in A. McCosker, S. Vivienne and A. Johns (eds), Negotiating Digital Citizenship: control, contest and culture. London: Rowman and Littlefield International, Ch 2. pp. 21-39

Vivienne, S., McCosker, A., and Johns, A. (2016) ‘Digital citizenship as fluid interface’, in A. McCosker, S. Vivienne and A. Johns (eds), Negotiating Digital Citizenship: control, contest and culture. London: Rowman and Littlefield International, Ch 1. pp. 1-17.

McCosker, A. (2015) ‘Social media activism at the margins: Managing visibility, voice and vitality affects’. Social Media + Society. 1(2) 

Johns, A., and McCosker, A. (2015) ‘Social media conflict: Platforms for racial vilification, or acts of provocation and citizenship?Communication, Politics and Culture. 47(3), pp. 44-54 

McCosker, A. (2015) ‘Untangling digital citizenship’. Review Essay, Cultural Studies Review 21 (2), 241

McCosker, A. (2014) ‘Trolling as provocation: YouTube's agonistic publics’. Convergence. 20(2), pp. 201-217. 

McCosker, A. and Johns, A. (2014) ‘Contested publics: Racist rants, bystander action and social media acts of citizenship’. Media International Australia. No. 151, pp. 66-72. 

McCosker, A. and Johns, A. (2013) ‘Productive provocations: Vitriolic media, spaces of protest and agonistic outrage in the 2011 England riots’. Fibreculture Journal. 22(FCJ-161).

Wilken, R., and McCosker, A. (2014) ‘Social selves’, in Stuart Cunningham and Sue Turnbull (eds) The media and communications in Australia, (4th edn). Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin. Chapter 17, pp. 291-295

Digital Technology & Health Participation

Grant, S., Soltani Panah, A., & McCosker, A. (2022). Weight-Biased Language across 30 Years of Australian News Reporting on Obesity: Associations with Public Health Policy. Obesities, 2(1), 103-114. 

Wallace, C., McCosker, A., Farmer, J., & White, C. (2021). Spanning communication boundaries to address health inequalities: the role of community connectors and social media. Journal of Applied Communication Research,

Albury, K., McCosker, A., & Evers, C. (2021). Men seeking women: Awkwardness, shame, and other affective encounters with dating apps. First Monday, 26(4). 

Wallace, C., Farmer, J., White, C., & McCosker, A. (2020). Collaboration with community connectors to improve primary care access for hardly reached people: A case comparison of rural Ireland and Australia. BMC health services research, 20(1), 1-13.

McCosker, A., & Gerrard, Y. (2020). Hashtagging depression on Instagram: Towards a more inclusive mental health research methodology. New Media & Society,


Gerrard, Y., & McCosker, A. (2020) The perils of moderating depression on social media | If Instagram over-polices mental health content, it risks alienating people who use the platform to build community in healthy ways. WIRED 4 November 2020. 


McCosker, A., Farmer, J. & Soltani Panah, A. (2020) Community Responses to Family Violence: Charting Policy Outcomes Using Novel Data Sources, Text Mining & Topic Modelling

Albury, K., McCosker, A., Pym, T., & Byron, P. (2020). Dating apps as public health ‘problems’: cautionary tales and vernacular pedagogies in news media. Health Sociology Review, 1-17.

Albury, K, Byron, P, McCosker, A, Pym, T, Walshe, J, Race, K, Salon, D, Reeders, D, Wark, T, Botfield, J & Dietzel, C (2019), Safety, Risk and Wellbeing on Dating Apps: Final Report, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne.


McCosker, A., Albury, K., Pym, T., Byron, P. (2019), Swiping, Stealthing & Catfishing: Dating Apps in the Media, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne.

Shaw, F., & McCosker, A. (2019). Mental health support apps and ‘proper distance’: relational ethics in mHealthMedia International Australia,

Wallace, C., Farmer, J., & McCosker, A. (2019). 'Boundary spanning practices of community connectors for engaging ‘hardly reached’people in health services'Social Science & Medicine, 232, 366-373.


Wallace, C., Farmer, J., and McCosker, A. (2018) ‘Community boundary spanners as an addition to the health workforce to reach marginalised people: A scoping review of the literature’, Human Resources for Health, 16(1).

McCosker, A. (2018) ‘Engaging mental health online: Insights from beyondblue’s forum influencers.’ New Media & Society, 20(12) pp. 4748 – 4764 

McCosker, A., & Hartup, M. (2018) Turning to online peer forums for suicide and self-harm support: “It does help having you guys”, Beyond Blue and Swinburne Social Innovation Research Institute, Melbourne.

McCosker, A. (2017). 'Tagging depression: social media and the segmentation of mental health.', in Digital media: Transformations in human communication, (2nd edn) Paul Messaris and Lee Humphreys (eds.), Peter Lang, New York.

McCosker, A. (2017) Networks of advocacy and influence: Peer mentors in beyondblue's mental health forums. Beyond Blue and Swinburne Social Innovation Research Institute, Melbourne.

McCosker, A. and Darcy, R. (2013) ‘Living with cancer: Affective labour, self-expression and the utility of blogs’. Information, Communication and Society. 16(8), pp. 1266-1285.

McCosker, A. (2013). ‘Negotiating illness bloggers’ expressive worlds: adapting digital ethnography’. SAGE Research Methods Cases. Vol. 303, pp. 66-72

McCosker, A. (2008) ‘Blogging illness; recovering in public’. M/C Journal, 11(6)

Visual Culture & Cultural Studies

McCosker, A. (2012) ‘Pain sense: Nociception, affect and the visual encounter’. Transformations. No. 22

McCosker, A. and Wilken, R. (2012) ‘Cafe space, communication, creativity, and materialism’. M/C Journal. 15(2)

McCosker, A. (2010) ‘Violent affect, aesthetic intimacy and salvific pain in The Passion of the Christ.’ Scope. 16(Feb)

McCosker, A. (2005) ‘A vision of masochism in the affective pain of Crash’, Sexualities, 8(1), pp. 30-48

McCosker, A. (2005) ‘Suffering with honour: The visual brutality of realism in the combat film’. Scope, 2(Jun)

McCosker, A. (2004) ‘East Timor and the politics of bodily pain: A problematic complicity’. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 18(1), pp. 63-79

McCosker, A. (2008) ‘Transformations of pain: Erotic encounters with Crash’, in V. Burr and J. Hearn (eds.), Sex, Violence and the Body: The erotics of wounding. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, Chapter 7, pp. 103-118

McCosker, A. (2004) 'Deleuze and the new camera consciousness'. Review essay, Cultural Studies Review, 10(2): 224-228

Organizational Communication

Bossio, D., McCosker, A., Milne, E., Golding, D., & Albarrán-Torres, C. (2019). Social media managers as intermediaries: negotiating the personal and professional in organisational communicationCommunication Research and Practice, 1-16.

McCosker, A. (2017). ‘Social media work: Reshaping organisational communications, extracting digital value.’ Media International Australia, 163(1), pp. 122-136.

McCosker, A. and Dodd, A. (2013) ‘The future of sports delivery in Australia: NBN multicast, IPTV and the role of the ISPs’. Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy. 1(1)

McCosker, A., Reid, D. and Farrell, C. (2016) Social media industries: Bridging the gap between theory and practice. Report. Australian Policy Online, Melbourne DOI: 10.4225/50/573D0512BE854,

Teaching & Learning

Larcombe, W., McCosker, A. and O'Loughlin, K. (2007) ‘Supporting education PhD and DEd students to become confident academic writers: An evaluation of thesis writers' circles’. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 4(1), 55

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